House of Night: A Facilitator Training for Storytellers, Healers,& Ritualists

Registration for the dual enrollment option with House of Night is full for 2025

Registration for House of Night is open only to those who have completed or are currently enrolled in one of the following programs with Danielle: The Bones & Folklore 300-hour teacher training (1), The Myth-Tender program (2), or the Wild Feminine 300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training during or prior to 2020(3). There are 19 spots available, and priority is given to those registered for the Bones & Folklore program. Those who complete the House of Night program receive a certificate and are a “House of Night Ritual Facilitator.”

The House of Night training is a three-part journey into ritual, embodied movement, and the old wonder stories. Participants will learn how to lead the 13 “House of Night Rituals” for the purpose of transforming self and others, to define and apply their “personal myth” to their healing work, and are invited to design their own ritual narratives and initiatory experiences for both groups and one-on-one work. House of Night includes a real-life immersion in the wilds of upstate New York. There is, however, a virtual option for those who are unable to attend the real-life event.

Part I: The Ivy Tower: Begins September 2025

Part I is held virtually over three, consecutive Wednesdays from 11am-2pm ET. Participants are strongly encouraged to join live, but all is recorded for those who are unable to join.

September 24th, October 1st, October 8th, 2025

The Ivy ogham speaks of weaving community from the “spiral of the soul,” of pulling fate’s holy cord from our heart and crafting a basket that can hold others from the threads our personal sorrows and joys. Part I of The House of Night training invites participants to learn and practice working with four of our “night stories” solitarily, working with personal mythic rituals sourced from these tales in preparation for the deeper facilitation work.

Rituals included in Part I:

Flying between the Worlds, The Mythic Image Teacher, Fairy Tale Extraction, The Hidden House, The Archetypal Council, and the Bone’s Song.

Part II: The Willow Hearth: Begins February 2026

Part II is held virtually over three, consecutive Wednesdays from 11am-2pm ET. Participants are strongly encouraged to join live, but all is recorded for those who are unable to join.

February 25th, March 4th, March 11th, 2026

The Willow ogham bids us hone our night vision, to see through otherworldly eyes and scry into the shadows. Part II of The House of Night training focuses on integrating the work from Part I, learning and working with four more guiding stories of “initiation,” and translating the “personal myth” into a container for the participant’s facilitator work. Here, we prepare the “hearth” ‘round which others will gather.

Rituals Included in Part II:

Inanna’s Descent, Initiation of the Handless Maiden, Calling the Mist-Spirits, Spell of the Ash Fool

Part III: The House of Night: June 26th- June 30th, 2026

Part III is a real-life and on-the-land immersion. Participants are strongly encouraged to attend, but, in the event they are unable to attend in-person, there will be a self-paced virtual option. Please note the immersion includes meals (light breakfast, communal lunch and dinner) but is not a residential immersion (Participants will not be sleeping on the land, but we will have deep rituals under the pines, in the clear-running waters).

The last level of The House of Night calls us to the land. Together, we will put into practice our 13 rituals, coming together for deep transformation, movement, the“pelt stories,” and the co-teaching practicum.


You may register for House of Night at the same time you register for Bones & Folklore, receiving 1/2 off the tuition for House of Night (A $1350 discount). You may also register for House of Night separately, at full price, without registering for Bones & Folklore, as long as you have completed or are currently enrolled in the Myth-Tender program (1) or graduated from the previous 300-hour yoga teacher training with Danielle (2).

For Bones & Folklore Co-Registrants

Bones & Folklore applicants are asked on their applications whether they would like to also participate in the House of Night, and those who pursue dual enrollment with Bones & Folklore and House of Night receive House of Night for 50% off ($1350 off). For this option, please apply for Bones & Folklore and answer accordingly.

For All Other Registrants

If you are not currently enrolled in Bones & Folklore, it is a prerequisite that House of Night registrants have completed a previous, advanced training with Danielle. This includes and is limited to the following: The Myth-Tender program (1) or the Wild Feminine 300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training during or prior to 2020 (2). There is limited space in House of Night, and priority is given to those registered for the Bones & Folklore program.The full tuition for House of Night as a separate program, not combined with Bones & Folklore, is $2700. If you meet the prerequisite requirement and would like to enroll in House of Night, please email Danielle HERE.